Monday, April 30, 2007

Aku Bermimpi Jadi Pengusaha

We've just finished our first topic for this year! What an interesting journey. We started from February, got stuck by the flood, and other difficulties. But again, Thank God it's Friday, we've been able to conclude the topic in a climatic Business Ideas Presentation. Hope that this package gives something for all of us to start thinking not just as employee anymore, but hey maybe to start our own enterprise.

We have many speakers from a very vast background for this topic. We have Mrs. Sandra Sembel as our first speaker who taught us of how to find our very own business ideas. We have Mr. Roy Sembel to guide us to find the entrepreneur within ourselves with his trademark WISDOM Way. We have Mr. Sukiyat with his franchising experiences. Not to forget our brother, Nico, with his deep knowledge of marketing and product launching. And what is a business without proper research? Thankfully, Mr. Samuel Banjarnahor, an alumnus of MarkPlus was there to share his knowledge to us. And what can be compared to watching our own friends to present their business idea? We have that too!

So, what are you waiting for? Please, come and join us in the next Thank God it’s Friday sessions!

1 comment:

SgtMajor said...

well, thanks for TGIF
i've got so many new things here
and the people also very nice...